This only takes about 25 minutes to make. Very easy and fabulous flavor! This is very popular in Thailand. They sell this on the streets as well as in...
I'm a working mother and needed a quick, healthy, flavorful chicken recipe that was versatile and could be used in many different dishes. So, after trial...
A delicious and easy to make creamed spinach dish. Great for holidays or simply dinner for the family. This recipe yields a large quantity for holiday...
Bourbon Chicken is traditionally a Southern dish, and after moving to Pennsylvania from Oklahoma, I really missed this. I searched for a recipe I liked,...
Chicken breasts are roasted with herbs and then topped with apple slices and Brie cheese before being toasted under the broiler. For extra flavor, spoon...
I wanted to make a quick and light recipe using quinoa, and I had some asparagus and red peppers in the fridge -- who knew that the combination could taste...
This is a classy dish and easy to make! It includes boneless chicken breast, lemon juice, black pepper and some salt. To top it with some style, I throw...
I acquired both my nickname and the idea for this recipe while working at an awful franchised restaurant in my college years. These are great for Summertime...
I acquired both my nickname and the idea for this recipe while working at an awful franchised restaurant in my college years. These are great for Summertime...
I acquired both my nickname and the idea for this recipe while working at an awful franchised restaurant in my college years. These are great for Summertime...
This is the most simple and delicious chicken recipe to whip up for dinner. I made this once on accident, substituting ingredients for another recipe that...
This is definitely NOT the healthiest way to grill chicken, but it's my grandfather's recipe and he's 92! My kids are the ones who have named this chicken...
Chicken breasts are roasted with herbs and then topped with apple slices and Brie cheese before being toasted under the broiler. For extra flavor, spoon...
Baked chicken breasts marinated in Italian dressing and Greek seasoning, topped with Havarti cheese, green chili pepper, and sauteed mushrooms. Pairs beautifully...
Chicken breasts are roasted with herbs and then topped with apple slices and Brie cheese before being toasted under the broiler. For extra flavor, spoon...
Chicken breasts are roasted with herbs and then topped with apple slices and Brie cheese before being toasted under the broiler. For extra flavor, spoon...
Seared lemon chicken breasts are complimented with a sweet and tangy sauce and served over angel hair pasta. A garnish of lemon zest, shaved Parmesan cheese,...
Here's a new twist on a tasty easy dish with a quick prep time. It's perfect for after work or when you want a home cooked meal but don't have the time...
Chicken breasts stuffed with soft cheese, wrapped in bacon, and drizzled with honey. Very easy and tastes amazing. I have lost count of the amount of times...
An unusual blend of seasonings flavor this slow cooker meal that takes advantage of the abundance of asparagus available in the spring. In other seasons...
These colors don't run, but they do stain, so I recommend eating this delicious, red, white and blueberry chicken outdoors at a barbeque. Smoky, spicy...
I wanted to make a quick and light recipe using quinoa, and I had some asparagus and red peppers in the fridge -- who knew that the combination could taste...